Saturday, November 21, 2015

My Open Letter to President Obama - Post Paris Attacks

Dear President Obama:

Let me start by saying that though I personally do not believe that ISIS has come to immense power as a Muslim retaliation on America for former President Bush's decision to declare and then wage war on Iraq, let me invoke willing temporary suspension of disbelief and say it is true.

So what? Are we, the most powerful nation in the world, going to play a weak hand and allow for the proliferation of this evil with the delusional belief that we can reach a diplomatic or conciliatory solution? Related, I know that you have committed America to receive Syrian refugees as they flee the atrocities of ISIS (and the Assad regime) and the civil war within their own country; the very command and control base for ISIS. Why not wipe these terrorist bastards out and start the process to prevent these mass migrations from happening in the first place? In light of today's horror in Paris, how has the Syrian refugee situation worked out for the Parisians and visitors?

Let me take this moment to say that I do not begrudge the nearly hopeless Syrians because their plight is terrible. But the truth is that America is at risk for Paris style terrorist attacks at the hands of embedded recruits from both radicalized citizens and compassionate acceptance of people fleeing political persecution. To believe that this is not an immediate and credible threat would require you to also invoke willing temporary suspension of disbelief.

Truthfully, on your watch we left Iraq too soon and left too little support, but I say so what to that too; being President is a HARD job! You need to support France and our other allies in Europe and Israel and let's go swiftly and completely kick these barbarians asses. The strategy is to destroy them, not contain them. So you know, I have 3 daughters and 3 granddaughters and I do not want to see them EVER at risk for being murdered by a terrorist just because they wanted to see a concert or have a nice meal at the wrong place at the wrong time in their OWN country

Mr. President, you have an opportunity to right 2 Commander-In-Chief decisions by acting forcefully, fervently and immediately! What say you?

Respectfully yours, Greg Candelaria

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